RGO: Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Jan 2008)

Malocclusion and articulation disorders in mouth breathing children from public schools in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

  • Ana Maria Toniolo da Silva,
  • Angela Ruviaro Busanello,
  • Clarissa Flores Oliveira

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 56, no. 2
pp. 169 – 174


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Objective: To verify the occurrence and types of malocclusion and articulation disorders in mouth breathing children at public schools.Methods: An evaluation was made of 219 children of both genders, between 5 and 12 years of age, attending two public schools in the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; with 121 mouth breather children being selected for this study. Orthodontic and phonoaudiological evaluation were made to verify the breathing mode and presence or absence of malocclusion and articulation disorders.Results: It was observed that 100% of the mouth breather children presented malocclusion, 49.60% being Angle’s Class II, 48.76% ClassI and 1.65% Class III. It was also verified that 18.2% of the mouth breather children presented articulation disturbance. Conclusion: All mouth breathing children presented some type of malocclusion, the majority being Angle’s Class II, followed by Class I. The articulation disorders most frequently observed was anterior lisping.
