Malacologica Bohemoslovaca (Jan 2017)
Měkkýši Dolanského rybníka (severní Čechy) – příspěvek k poznání měkkýšů CHKO Kokořínsko – Máchův kraj
This study presents the results of a malacological survey of the Dolanský rybník Pond in the Kokořínsko – Máchův kraj Protected Landscape Area (Northern Bohemia, Czech Republic). Altogether 48 species of molluscs (14 freshwater and 27 terrestrial gastropods, 7 bivalves) were found at 8 sites. The most interesting result of this research was a discovery of a rare and endangered gastropod Pupilla alpicola. It is the first record of this relic species from Northern Bohemia. Vertigo moulinsiana, a relic from the Middle Holocene, was recorded at five studied sites in sedge marshes and reeds. This finding extended our knowledge about its distribution in the Kokořínsko – Máchův kraj PLA and this part of the Czech Republic.