Journal of Osseointegration (Jun 2013)
Mechanical, histological and histomorphometric evaluation of modified by femtosecond laser zirconia implants versus titanium implants. An experimental study in dogs at three months
Aim The present study was aimed at quantifying implant´s stability and elemental composition by Periotest® and evaluating bone to implant contact (BIC) and crestal bone loss of modified by femtosecond laser zirconia and titanium implants.Materials and methods Forty-eight implants were divided into 2 groups: titanium (control) and modified by femtosecond laser zirconia (test) and then inserted in 6 American Foxhound dogs. Primary stability and secondary stability were measured by Periotest, BIC was evaluated by histomorphometry at 1 and 3 months, elemental composition of the surrounding bone in both groups after 1 and 3 months was assessed.Results Differences between groups regarding primary stability and secondary stability were not significant (p>0.05). The Carbon ratio at zirconia (12.529%) was significantly lower (p0.05) regarding BIC for titanium vs modified zirconia were observed. Crestal bone loss at 3 months was significantly (p<0.05) lower (0.07 ±0.34 mm) in titanium group than in zirconia (1.25 ± 1.73 mm).Conclusion Surface treatment by using femtosecond laser equalizes osseointegration of zirconia implants.