Studia Romanistica (Jul 2023)

Otra realidad «más allá» del lenguaje: un lugar de encuentro entre algunos poetas hispanoamericanos y filósofos del siglo XX

  • Linda Urbancová

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 1
pp. 61 – 74


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The purpose of the present article is to trace similarities between selected philosophers and writers of the 20th century who focused during the twentieth century on the topic of language, trying to subject it to scrutiny and free it from the reduction to mere object. The text shows that there exists, or has existed, a language or a part of the language that is able to express the essence of things. According to authors such as M. Heidegger, L. Wittgenstein, W. Benjamin, O. Paz, and R. Juarroz, this part of language, which is endowed with freedom and openness, is beyond the exact language and is probably the seat of poetry itself. This conviction of the authors cited in this article presupposes that at the basis of language there has always been, and still is, magic that connects language with its mythical origin. The main intention of the article is not to determine why the views of the mentioned authors are so similar, but whether they are similar at all. Nor is it the aim of this article to determine what specific readings inspired these writers and philosophers to coincide thematically