MedEdPORTAL (May 2015)

Faculty Development Series on Assessment in Graduate Medical Education: Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

  • Elizabeth Kramer,
  • Jennifer DiPace,
  • Mackenzie Frost,
  • Caroline Rassbach

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11


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Abstract Introduction This module is part of a six-module series developed by members of the Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD). Each module is a set of PowerPoint slides intended for faculty development on the milestones in a particular core competency. Methods The slides should be presented by a residency program director (or designee) in a didactic or workshop setting for the purpose of enhancing faculty's ability to assess practice-based learning and improvement (PBLI) in trainees. The case-based presentation begins by defining the competency of PBLI, then explores various assessment tools available for evaluating learners in this competency. The presentation introduces the concept of the Pediatrics Milestone Project and demonstrates how milestones can be used to better assess PBLI. The presentation concludes with a series of case studies in which the participants are asked to assess the performance of the learners in the case studies. Speaker notes are provided at the bottom of the PowerPoint slides to enable the presenter to have a deeper understanding of the content. The module requires 45-60 minutes to present in its entirety but can be abbreviated or expanded as needed. Results This module has been presented by two of the authors to their own faculty. The presentations were well received, and faculty felt more comfortable with the milestones and assessment. The slides were also presented at the APPD fall meeting as part of a panel outlining tools for faculty development. Discussion Once all six modules are completed, they will be loaded onto the APPD Share Warehouse. All pediatric residency programs have access to the Share Warehouse and will be able use the modules for faculty development.
