Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Dec 2003)
從電子出版與電子商務看學術出版的發展 E-publishing and E-commerce on Scholarly Publishing
學術出版不但促進了學術傳播,也增進了人類的文明。走過這幾百年,學術出版雖歷經各種變革,然而仍以紙本印刷方式出版為主。近年來由於資訊科技、數位化的快速演進及高速、無遠弗屆的網際網路出現,促使學術出版產生了巨變。本文即從電子出版及電子商務的角度來探討學術出版,同時指出以加值出版為理念,並在價值鏈上進行各種核心加值與服務作業,以為學術出版未來之發展方向。Scholarly publishing is not only to promote scholarly communication but also to enable the human being s civilization. Scholarly publishing had changed many times for several hundred years. But still published in paper form. However, in recent years information technology shifts and Internet grows so quickly that dramatically makes a great impact on the scholarly publishing. This paper dresses these changing and discusses scholarly publishing through electronic publishing and electronic commerce point of view. The paper also talks about value added publishing and core activities in a value chain of the scholar publishing.