Хуманитарни Балкански изследвания (Aug 2019)
The object of this publication is the literary education of ethnic minority students who do not speak official language well, are at risk of dropping out, have aggressive behavior and have no interest in the learning process. The aim is to show the beneficial influence of art and to emphasize its use in classes in Bulgarian language and literature. Methods for attracting students' attention, mastering their temperament, and putting them in an active position in the lesson are presented in order to generate interest and love for literature. The idea is to unleash the creative potential of children from vulnerable groups by creating appropriate conditions for fostering emotional responsiveness, a sense of communication and self expression. The active perception of the literary work through theatrical activities, music and fine arts are a step towards the development of the imagination and the expression of attitude of emotional values. When the student is able to interpret the literary text in their own unique way, it can be said that he has already understood the meaning of the reading and understood the message of the work. This way of organizing the pedagogical process creates additional motivation for understanding fiction. Contact with the arts contributes extremely fruitfully to the building of individuality, encourages the acquisition of key skills and competences. The proposed approach is easy to implement and at the same time attractive and appealing to students, creates a good psychoclimate, which is a favorable field for self-realization and a prerequisite for successful and quality work.