Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia ()

Advantages and Disadvantages of Medical Abortion, According to Brazilian Residents in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  • Silvana Ferreira Bento,
  • Karla Simônia de Pádua,
  • Rodolfo de Carvalho Pacagnella,
  • Karayna Gil Fernandes,
  • Maria José Duarte Osis,
  • Graciana Alves Duarte,
  • Anibal Faúndes



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Abstract Objective To find out which was the opinion of residents in obstetrics and gynecology about the advantages and disadvantages of medical abortion as compared with surgical procedures. Method Cross-sectional multicenter study among residents in obstetrics and gynecology from 21 maternity hospitals located in 4 different geographical regions of Brazil, using a self-responded questionnaire with 31 questions related to their opinion and experience on providing abortion services. Results Most residents agreed that “being less invasive” (94.7%), “does not require anesthesia” (89.7%), “can be accompanied during the process” (89.1%), “prevents physical trauma” (84.4%) were the main advantages of medical abortion. Conclusion Residents perceived both clinical and personal issues as advantages of medical abortion.
