Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine (Jan 2017)
The Effect of 12-week-long Nordic Walking Exercise on Body Composition, Changes in Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism Indices, Concentration of Selected Adipokines and Calcidiol in Healthy Middle-aged Women
Research objective. This study aimed at analysing the changes in the level of somatic indicators, the secretion profile of selected adipokines, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism indices and calcidiol concentration after a 12-week-long nordic walking (NW) exercise in middle-aged women. Research material and methods. The study included 13 women aged 45.5±4.2 years who participated in a 12-week-long NW exercise, 3 times a week, 90 minutes each. Each of the women had individually determined workout intensity zones which were monitored based on the heart rate. Prior to the exercise programme and after it, somatic traits were assessed and blood was sampled in order to make biochemical analyses. Results. In the examined women, a decrease in mean body weight by 2.5 kg and a reduction in fat mass (FM), on average by 3.8 kg (i.e. 4.6%), coupled with an increase in lean body mass (LBM) by 1.3 kg, were observed after 36 workout units. A significant decrease in TC, LDL-C and TG concentrations and no changes in HDL-C concentration occurred after the exercise, which contributed to lowered atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) and atherosclerosis risk index (ARI). Conclusions. Individualised and regular physical activity in the form of NW had a protective effect on the body, resulting in improved body composition, adiponectin secretion profile, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and calcidiol concentration in middle-aged women.