Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej (Mar 2014)
Porous slide sleeves sintered from iron powder with addition of hexagonal boron nitride
In this article there are presented some selected results of research works on new generationporous slide bearings, sintered from Höganas NC .100.24 iron powder, with addition of hexagonalboron nitride h-BN instead of copper or graphite powder. The research was carried out withinthe framework of PBR/15-249/2007/WA T-OR 00002904 Research Project financed by the Ministry ofScience and Higher Education, during 2007-2011 [1]. Significant increase in capacity and durability ofØ25/Ø35 × 20 mm porous sleeves containing 3% of boron nitride h-BN by weight in the iron sinterwas obtained in comparison to the same standard sleeves containing 2.5% of copper. To date there areno bearings sintered from iron powder with addition of h-BN. Owing to this fact, their durability andload capacity are higher, and that is why it was decided to submit a proper patent claim to the PolishPatent Office [2][b]Keywords[/b]: porous sleeves, iron sinter, boron nitride