Дифференциальная геометрия многообразий фигур (Aug 2019)
About differential equations of the curvature tensors of a fundamental group and affine connections
The principal bundle is considered, the base of which is an n-dimensional smooth manifold, and the typical fiber is an r-fold Lie group. Structure equations for the forms of the fundamental group and affine connections are given, each of which contains the corresponding components of the curvature tensor. For each connection, an approach is shown that allows to find the differential equations for the components of the curvature tensor of the corresponding connection in a faster way than by differentiating the expressions of these objects in terms of the connection objects and their Pfaffian derivatives. The method consists in successively solving cubic equations, first by Laptev’s lemma, then by Cartan’s lemma. Taking into account the comparisons modulo basic forms, we obtain already known results (see [3]). Thus, differential equations are derived for the components of the curvature tensor of the first-order fundamental-group connection, as well as for the components of the curvature tensor of the affine connection.