Research Results in Pharmacology (Jun 2017)


  • Olga Klycheva,
  • Galina Lazareva,
  • Anna Khuraseva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 2
pp. 64 – 78


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Introduction: fetoplacental insufficiency (FPI) is an important problem of obstetrics. This pathological condition leads to the development of fetal growth retardation syndrome (FGRS). Any standard treatment regimens cannot exist due to a combination of individual etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of this complication. Angioprotective drugs take the lead in the treatment, improving blood flow, coagulation and rheological properties of blood, tissue perfusion, and their supply with oxygen and nutrients. Objectives: the aim of the study was to compare the pharmacological effectiveness of commonly used angioprotective agents «Pentoxifylline»®, «Phlebodia 600»,® and "Curantil 25»® based on the results of laboratory and instrumental methods of research conducted after treatment. Methods: the retrospective and prospective survey of 120 pregnant women with 28-36 weeks of gestation were carried out on a clinical site of the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology of KSMU, and on the site of the Regional Perinatal Center of the City of Kursk. Results: as a result of the study, there was developed and scientifically substantiated a variant of monotherapy of placental insufficiency with fetal growth retardation syndrome, using the drug «Phlebodia 600»®, aimed at improving the microcirculation in the system «mother-placenta-fetus» for the purpose of having children with a higher weight and growth parameters. It is recommended to take a course of 1 tablet (600 mg) per day in the morning, on an empty stomach, during 1 month. Conclusions: the analysis of the results of the instrumental research methods after pharmacological correction revealed an equivalent improvement in hemodynamic parameters in both the uterine vessels and in the artery of the umbilical cord, which is due to the action of the preparation «Flebodia 600»®, whereas «Pentoxifylline»® has a partial positive effect on the uterine and placental blood flow, and «Kurantil 25»® predominantly affects the uterine blood flow.
