Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2017)
Fake Information in Social Media: Identifi cation, Evaluation, Counteraction
Social media is viewed not only as a means to obtain everyday information, but also as a source of manipulative influences in order to form a dissident opinion in the interests of certain political forces or groups of people. Therefore, it is important in conditions of information confrontation to find methods of detecting fake information, its neutralization and preventing false information spreading. The article deals with methods of distributing fake information in the Internet. Also highlighted and described typical examples of fake information in social media, the impact of such messages on users of social networks has been determined as well. Various ways of combating the dissemination of false information and recommendations are provided for identifying fake information in social media during the preparation of libraries information and analytical product.