Case Reports in Gastroenterology (Aug 2018)
Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy in Diffuse Thickened Esophageal Wall in an Adolescent
Achalasia is an extremely rare pathology in children. Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) is the gold standard for the surgical treatment of achalasia in adults, but only a limited number of cases of achalasia treatment using POEM in children have been published in the literature. Sometimes, high-resolution manometry signs of achalasia can mimic diffuse esophageal leiomyoma. This case report represents the first known successful performance of POEM on a 15-year-old female with diffuse thickening of the esophagus with signs and symptoms of achalasia and suspicion for Alport syndrome associated with diffuse esophageal leiomyoma.