Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira ()

Plasma cholinesterase activity as an environmental impact biomarker in juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas)

  • Leandro A. Fonseca,
  • Andres M.O. Orozco,
  • Pollyanna C. Souto,
  • Lorraine R.S. Dornelas,
  • Wilson P.C. Filho,
  • Fabricia M. Girardi,
  • Pedro A.N. Ermita,
  • Valéria Fagundes



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ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the enzymatic activity of plasma cholinesterase in Chelonia mydas marine turtles belonging to two populations, according to their capture sites, under the absence and probable influence of anthropic effects. A total of 74 animals were used and later divided into two groups, based on the capture site. Blood samples were collected from all captured animals, which were then released into the sea at the site of capture. A descriptive statistical analysis of the plasma cholinesterase activity values and an analysis comparing these values based on the capture site were performed. Samples of heparinized plasma from animals captured at the two different sites were analyzed. Plasma cholinesterase activity ranged from 121 to 248U/L, with a mean and standard deviation of 186.1±30.68U/L. When comparing plasma cholinesterase activity values in individuals based on the capture site, a significant difference was observed. Establishing reference values for different sea turtle populations is necessary to interpret future sampling results and to allow sea turtles to be used as sentinels of ecosystem health. Future studies are needed to evaluate other populations and the activity of plasma cholinesterase in juvenile marine turtles, in relation to environmental contamination.
