Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики (Mar 2019)
Personalization of language environment in teaching domain-oriented communication
The premise of the study is the concept of domain-oriented English lingua franca of the university community, serving as an instrument of secondary socialization. It is characterized by culture specific realia (CSR) ensuring internationalization of students. The relevance of this research is predetermined by the necessity to study types of contact English (CE) CSRs internalization in student online communication, and the goal of this paper is to systematize domain-oriented English lingua franca (DOELF) CSRs functioning in the CE communication of the Crimean Federal V.I. Vernadsky University student community. Internet communication is the open and easily personalized language environment where all members of the community can practice CE communication. The web sites MyLanguageExchange.com and Russian Language Exchange Partners were used to select CSRs in the CE Internet communication of CFU students. These web sites are built on the principle of connectivity or communicative interaction in an open online environment similar to that of social networks (socially mediated online interfaces). The method of connectivism rejects traditional university educational environments (“isolated systems”) in favor of creating personal learning environments (“open systems”) based on social networks. The learning process means interaction in a network open to all participants in accordance with their common interests and goals. They acquire vocabulary, pronunciation and elements of the linguaculture of virtual partners in the process of free communication. It is proved experimentally that internalization of English is acquired in online communicative practice where open personalized language environment is created by the principle of connectivism.