ANIAV (Mar 2019)
Prototyp_ome. (Re)articulate biomedicine from artistic research
Throughout 2015 and 2017 Prototy_ome has taken place in Hangar. An inter(in)disciplinary project with a collaborative format based on the bio(info)technology Do it yourself [DIY] and Do it together [DIT]. In collaboration with Pechblenda Lab, the Biomedical Research Park of Barcelona, DIYBioBcn, Faboratory and subsidized by the Nina Caruso Foundation, Protoyp_ome has brought together artists, scientists, (bio)hackers, makers, theorists and different social groups to revisit, re-think, co-design and develop biological exploration processes, tools and technologies, especially those related to biomedicine. From the premise of the collaboration, Prototyp_ome has brought together a hybrid team, covering different skills and knowledge around their laboratories, as well as the communities that are generated in these common spaces. The inter(in)disciplinariness as a condition of possibility of the collaborative production of knowledge (s) has opened a crack from which to take as a starting point the perspective of the user, putting this to the historical articulation, in terms of hierarchy, of the institutions and disciplines recognized as the only generators of valid knowledge. In this shared process, artistic research has not only played a fundamental role but has made possible a work where experimentation has displaced quantitative parameters, configuring forms of contact-experience from which to re-think the relationships that mediate bodies, working from the co-implicación of matter and form, generating processes of cross-sectional constitution that open the possibility of articulating, other links and other ways of operating.