Motricidad (Jun 2011)

Assessment of the placement of aquatics activities in physical education Valoración de la inclusión de las actividades acuáticas en educación física

  • A. Albarracín,
  • J.A. Moreno-Murcia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 0
pp. 123 – 139


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<p align="justify">The aim of the study has been to analyze the importance and consideration of the aquatic educational activities inside physical education on the part of the professorship in Secondary Education. The participants were 29 teachers of Secondary Education. There was in use a semistructured interview based on the following categories and subcategories: The professional path of the interviewed ones, the aquatic educational activities in the physical education, the reality in Murcia of the incorporation of aquatic activities in physical education (incorporation in the school area, advantages, difficulties, solutions) and the formation of the teacher in aquatic activities. The interview was beginning with questions on information sociodemogr&aacute;ficos, developing with topics of reference as: "How much time you go as teacher of physical education?", "What opinion have you of the aquatic activities?", "What advantages and disadvantages do present the aquatic activities?&rdquo;, &ldquo;Do you know the benefits of the exercise realized in the aquatic way?", between others. After the analysis of content, the physical, psychic and social benefits, as well as the formative ones and the kindness of the own way, have justified the good consideration that the teachers of physical education possess of the aquatic activities. New experimental studies are needed to confirm the kindness of the incorporation of the aquatic activities in the subject of physical education.<br /><strong>Key Words:</strong>Aquatics activities, benefices, interview, teachers</p><p align="justify">El objetivo del estudio ha sido analizar la importancia y consideraci&oacute;n de las actividades acu&aacute;ticas educativas dentro de educaci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica por parte del profesorado en Educaci&oacute;n Secundaria. Los participantes fueron 29 docentes de Ense&ntilde;anza Secundaria. Se utiliz&oacute; una entrevista semiestructurada basada en las siguientes categor&iacute;as y subcategor&iacute;as: La trayectoria profesional de los entrevistados, las actividades acu&aacute;ticas educativas en la educaci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica, la realidad en Murcia de la inclusi&oacute;n de actividades acu&aacute;ticas en educaci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica (inclusi&oacute;n en el &aacute;mbito escolar, ventajas, dificultades, soluciones) y la formaci&oacute;n del profesor en actividades acu&aacute;ticas.&nbsp; La entrevista empezaba con preguntas sobre datos sociodemogr&aacute;ficos, desarroll&aacute;ndose con t&oacute;picos de referencia como: &ldquo;&iquest;Cu&aacute;nto tiempo llevas como docente de educaci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica?&rdquo;, &ldquo;&iquest;Qu&eacute; opini&oacute;n tienes de las actividades acu&aacute;ticas?&rdquo;, &ldquo;&iquest;Qu&eacute; ventajas e inconvenientes presentan las actividades acu&aacute;ticas?, &iquest;Conoces los beneficios del ejercicio realizado en el medio acu&aacute;tico?&rdquo;, entre otras. Tras el an&aacute;lisis de contenido, los beneficios f&iacute;sicos, ps&iacute;quicos y sociales, as&iacute; como los formativos y las bondades del propio medio, han justificado la buena consideraci&oacute;n que los docentes de educaci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica poseen de las actividades acu&aacute;ticas. Nuevos estudios experimentales se precisan para confirmar las bondades de la inclusi&oacute;n de las actividades acu&aacute;ticas en la asignatura de educaci&oacute;n f&iacute;sica.<br /><strong>Palabras Clave:</strong>Actividades acu&aacute;ticas, beneficios, entrevista, profesorado</p>