Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Jul 2010)
Definisanje ekvivalentnog torzionooscilatornog sistema / Determination of the equivalent torsional vibration system
U radu je prikazan postupak zamene elemenata kompleksnog torzionooscilatornog sistema brodske dizelmotorne propulzije uprošćenim ekvivalentnim elementima istih dinamičkih karakteristika. Izloženi postupak sadrži metode za određivanje ekvivalentnih dužina, krutosti i momenata inercije na osnovu jednakosti kinetičkih i potencijalnih energija realnih i ekvivalentnih elemenata sistema. Osim toga, analizirani su pobudni momenti koji izazivaju prinudne torzione oscilacije razmatranog sistema. / The procedure of replacing the elements of a complex torsional vibration system of ship diesel engine propulsion with simplified equivalent ones with the same dynamic characteristics is shown in this work. The given procedure comprises the methods for the determination of equivalent lengths, stifnesses and moments of inertia based on the equality between kinetic and potential energy of real and equivalent elements of the system. Additionally, the exciting moments which excite forced torsional vibrations of the considered system are analysed.