Муниципалитет: экономика и управление (Jun 2023)
Certain aspects of implementing the legislation on local government in the territory of the "city of Ekaterinburg" municipal entity
The principle of independence of local government permeates through its entire essence. Throughout the local government development in the city of Ekaterinburg, the interests of the local community - the residents who have the right to exercise local government - have always come first. The article analyzes the most striking aspects of formation, development and improvement of the local government. The author suggests that the implementation of any new law on local government regarding a particular municipality is only possible if each territory specifics are taken into account and with full consideration of the public opinion, the local authorities’ position. Local government bodies of the city of Ekaterinburg have always stated that when introducing territorial transformations, the federal legislators should keep in mind that these are only new opportunities, but not an obligation to divide large cities. The article considers that new options local government organization can be applied in crisis, inefficient cities. All decisions relating to local self-government should be made in the regions with due regard for the opinion of the municipal population, in dialogue with city authorities. Regional law can divide a large city, but the residents’ opinion should necessarily be taken into account. The author positively assesses the activities of Ekaterinburg local bodies for the development of local self-government in its territory, and also proposes to further develop interaction between local authorities and the population.