Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação (Apr 2018)

Short films prodution in the classroom context: cinematographic language reading and fruition

  • Alcione da Silva Santos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. esp.1


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Brazilian education has been facing a lot of challenges: one of them is the necessity of fostering the use of digital tools at schools on a daily basis, to help emerging or expanding the students’ reading competences from a culture of images in which students live in. From this perspective, this paper focus on describing the elements of cinematographic language that students involved on a project have appropriated after their participation in activities in which the main purpose was the production of short films, from the assumption that this appropriation has allowed them to be proficient in reading the film culture that is within in our society. To accomplish the objective, students answered a survey about three short films produced by them throughout their high school years. Data were analyzed in light of the theories of Habitus and symbolic Capital proposed by Bourdieu (2003 and 2005) and Neves (2007). The results have shown that students understood the cinematographic language that was taught as they have built references about it in the survey.
