Интеллект. Инновации. Инвестиции (Nov 2019)
Analysis of the accounting (financial) statements within cross-comparison
At the present stage of development of economic relations the importance of financial analysis as a tool to identify the resource and property status of any economic entity is increasing. Taking into account the need to expand the scope of interaction with contractors, obtain additional sources of financing and maintain existing relationships and partners, the management of organizations should constantly monitor the main indicators that affect the assessment of its condition with due regard potential investors. The most accessible and reliable source of data for such analysis is the accounting (financial) statements, and the task of the analyst is choose the necessary information and the methodology for determining the financial condition of the analyzed entity corresponding to its goals. In addition to the established in the regulatory framework of traditional methods of analysis of financial statements, based on the determination of trends and coefficients, it is necessary to use a cognitive approach in order to correlate the indicators obtained from the analysis of various reporting forms, using cross-comparison. Currently, the study of this method of financial analysis in the scientific literature is given insufficient attention. The purpose of this study is to substantiate and test the use of cross-comparison in the financial analysis of accounting data. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and matching, cognitive and factor analysis as well as methods of analysis of financial statements: horizontal, vertical, coefficient were used to obtain the results. The study of existing methods of financial condition analysis has led to the conclusion that they are mainly focused on the use of balance sheet data or other forms of financial statements in isolation from each other. As a result of the study the possibility of using cross-comparison of different financial statements forms data is justified, the studied and correlated indicators are proposed, the situation analysis is carried out based on the results of their comparison. The novelty of the study is to improve the methodological approach to the establishment of the relationship indicators of different reporting forms through the use of cross-comparison. The practical significance is the ability to analyze the organization activities with identified cross-comparison of managers, owners, auditors, external users, including potential and real creditors and investors.