الرياضة المعاصرة (Sep 2021)
Effect of Rehabilitation Program by Using Hypermedia on Treatment Some of Shoulder Tissues Injuries for Badminton Players
The important of present study is to design rehabilitation program by using hypermedia for some injuries of smooth tissues in shoulder joint. This joint is most important to help badminton players in achieving their daily and sport tasks due to upper limp movements depend on health and active of this joint. Experimental approach with a manner of equal single station was used in present study and study simple consisted of 6 badminton players from Babylon and Al-Mahaweel clubs who have less sharp tissue smooth injury such (muscles, ligaments, pocket). We used (SPSS) to analyses pre, medal, post-tests data. In conclusion, hypermedia is positive benefit to rehabilitee of injuries of smooth tissues in shoulder joint for badminton players and we recommend that the important of using hypermedia by computer to rehabilitee injury players in other sport events.