Ekonomika Nauki (Oct 2019)
Development of a single market for research services in the Eurasian Economic Union
Based on the analysis of existing regulatory legal acts in the field of regulating the research activities of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), a conclusion was made about their similarity and the possibility of starting the operation of the single market of services (SMS) of research without adopting additional legal acts. A comparison of the sources of financing of science of the EAEU member countries with the average and best indicators in the world has been made. The average costs for the EAEU member country amounted to 0,43% of the gross domestic product (GDP) were 1,7% in the world (4 times more). In the EAEU, more research is carried out by public sector scientific organizations (31,8% in EAEU, 12,8% in the world), and less research is performed by the business sector. Proposals for the development of the EAEU SMS for the research, including the creation of the Science Fund and the Innovation Fund, the creation of an information resource on the websites of national regulators in the field of scientific activity, etc., have been made.