Людина і довкілля: Проблеми неоекології (Nov 2024)
Conceptual basis for the search and eco-diagnostics of risk zones in watersheds
Purpose. To develop and substantiate the conceptual basis of a new approach for ecological diagnostics of anthropogenic soil (land) pollution in “risk-critical zones” of ecological soil-water interactions within watersheds. This approach aims to optimize the integrated ecological management system, enhance nature protection, and improve environmental safety in Ukraine. Methods. System analysis, comparative analysis-synthesis and evaluation to form a targeted spatial sampling; extrapolation and adaptive transfer of procedural-analytical approaches for diagnostic network selection; methods of conceptual design and visual representation. Results. Based on a systematic analysis of publications from Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, Springer, as well as domestic sources in the areas of soil and water pollution assessment with the identification of vulnerable (sensitive) territories and hot spots, priority management areas (APMA) and critical areas (CSA), an alternative conceptual basis for an approach to integrated environmental diagnostics of soil, surface and groundwater pollution is presented, which is preceded by an automated program search for hydrologically sensitive risk zones of ecological contact interaction of soil and water, which is important for ecological management and ecosystem restoration. The mechanism of spatial automated search of these zones is focused on the most vulnerable (hydrologically sensitive zones and territories), where the contact interaction of soil and water under conditions of soil pollution can create risks for the ecosystem and public health, starting from the scale of individual territorial communities. Conclusions. Greater attention to hydrologically sensitive areas and soil-water interaction processes under conditions of pollution will allow controlling and reducing inter-environmental transfer of pollutants. The proposed concept in practical terms meets the goals of basin management and is designed to increase the environmental efficiency of land and water environmental policies as particularly important elements of managing the ecological safety of ecosystems.