Kējì Fǎxué Pínglùn (Jun 2004)
資訊隱私權之重塑 ― 以行動商務為例 The Architecture of Information Privacy:
隨著全球無線通訊的蓬勃發展及手機普及率的提昇,結合無線通訊與網際網路的行動網路(mobile Internet)服務成為最被看好的明星產業,而在行動商務中新興的定位服務(Location Based Service, LBS)電信業者可透過基地台來確定用戶的所在位置,並將用戶當時所在地點及附近地區的資訊,下載至用戶的手機螢幕上等服務,使得個人資訊於有線與無線的傳輸過程中,無可避免地會暴露於業者手中。本文分為以下部分探討:1.由傳統對於隱私權界定出發, 與美國法上判例及成文法等規定來形塑(architect)現代資訊隱私之內涵:在網際網路社會中,傳統的公私領域分界欲趨模糊,我們所強調的隱私權保護應放在網路社會文化與價值規範的脈 絡下討論,方得正確掌握其內涵。2.傳統上對於隱私權侵害的過失賠償機制(liability regime),也逐漸因隱私權的財產化,而將其視為具有市場價值且可作為交易客體(property regime),由此資訊所有人由消極被動之地位,轉向積極主張自我控制資料權利,故將隱私權視作財產利益之機制,落實在行動商務的交易中,有其重要意義。3.最後藉由成本分析方法來檢視在定位系統服務的價值鏈中可能會產生個人資訊隱私權侵害之問題,並檢討建議我國電信法、電腦處理個人資料保護法、電信業電腦處理個人資料管理 辦法、刑法及其他法規中對於個人電子資訊與隱私權保障之相關規範。 More and more carriers purchase commercial location service solutions from location commerce platform providers that integrate network-based or GPS technologies with applications and content to deliver services to an end-user wireless device. Application providers develop services like news delivery, weather forecasting, restaurant or movie guides, location-based couponing and other commerce-related wireless programming. To match consumers with merchants effectively in the location services environment, application providers may develop a profile of an end-user’s interests and then access content sources matching those interests with favorite products. This comment addresses fundamental privacy concerns raised by the Location Based Services (LBS). First, it provides a brief explanation of how location-tracking technology works and describes ways that wireless carriers and non-carriers will use the technology to deliver location-based services. This section also provides a general overview of consumer privacy concerns that flow from using this technology. Second, this comment proposes a solution- a property regime for personal data replaces today’s liability regime to achieve a sound regulatory framework of data protection. Finally, this comment examines the privacy infringement occurred in the value chain of location based services and suggests additional legislations enacted in Telecommunications Act, Data Protection Act, Criminal Act and other related regulations in Taiwan.