مجلة التربية والعلم (Mar 2012)
The level of antioxidants and oxidative stress of obese people (smokers and non-smokers) in the city of Mosul
ABSTRACT The study was included the determination of the antioxidants and oxidant levels of obese persons in Mosul city (Smoking and Non smoking). The investigated were: Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Celuroplasmin (Cp.), Glutathione (GSH), Total bilirubin, Uric acid and Malondialdehyde (MDA). 167 Obese individuals were divided into five classes according to Body Mass Index (BMI) (103) and smoking obese persons (29) beside of control group with the same BMI (35) were included in the research. The results showed that there were significant decrease for all antioxidants levels except Cp. and there were significant increase in MDA for obese persons when compared to control group. Beside of according to Body Mass Index (BMI) classes showed significant decrease with increased BMI for all the measured antioxidants except Cp. and there were significant increase for MDA. Moreover the antioxidants levels were decreased significantly in obese smokers in BMI (30 - 34.9) as compared with control group for all the measured antioxidants and there were significant increase for Cp. and MDA. Conclusion drawn for the study, that high oxidative stress was occurred for the obesity leading to a significant decrease in the measured antioxidants and increased in oxidant levels. This might affect on the body human by producing several diseases, especially smoking persons.