Atalaya (Mar 2024)
Agencia, escritura y memoria de sor Francisca de Jesús (1497-1557), monja clarisa de la Casa ducal Borja de Gandía
Sister Francisca de Jesús de Borja y Enríquez (1497-1557) was a Clarisse nun and descendant of the Borja dukes of Gandía, who played a fundamental role in the feminine spiritual panorama of the 16th century, although her life and work has been overshadowed by the contributions and trajectory of her contemporary Teresa de Jesús (1515-1582). The purpose of this work is to provide some biographical and bibliographical details that account for the literary initiatives undertaken by Francisca de Jesús as a writer and dedicatee of works that humanists and theologians dedicated to her seeking projection and in recognition of her intellectual, political, and social capital, not sufficiently valued by critics.