Results in Physics (Aug 2021)
Fermionic decays of NMSSM Higgs bosons under LHC 13 TeV constraints
This paper investigates the impact of the recent LHC constraints on the Higgs sector in the semi-constrained version of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Our analysis focuses on the parameter space for which the value of the Higgs doublet-singlet coupling, λ, is large as possible, while the ratio between the vacuum expectation values of the two Higgs doublets, tanβ, is small as possible. Under the current constraints, we present the possible fermionic decay channels and reduced cross-section into fermions final states for the lightest neutral Higgs bosons in the NMSSM, (h1,h2, and a1). We found that the branching ratios of the non SM-like Higgs (a1 and h2) into a pair of bottom quarks are near 90% level when the Higgs mass below 400 GeV. Moreover, the branching ratio of h2/a1→tt¯ can reach unity for all mass ranges when these bosons are mostly singlet.