Materiale și Cercetări Arheologice (Nov 2020)
L’industrie en matières dures animales du site énéolithique d´Atmageaua Tătărască (Bulgarie). Données technologiques et fonctionnelles
Eneolithic site from Atmageaua Tătărască yelded 63 pieces made of hard animal materials. These are mainly finished pieces with exceptional design (some of the other products and by-products of the technological scheme are also present) made of bone, red deer antler, wild boar and Unio and Cardium valve. This assemblage, coming from the old excavations, was attributed to two Eneolithic cultures (Boian and Gumelnița -phases A1, A2 and B1). Our technological study has allowed the reconstruction of the operational schemes used for the raw materials transformation, as well as the approach of functional hypotheses for these objects