Medisan (Sep 2020)

Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with asymptomatic clinical course of COVID-19 in Santiago de Cuba province

  • Luis Eugenio Valdés García,
  • Dayma León Bueno,
  • Arairis Neira Palacios,
  • Yusmel Jaqueman Dussac

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 5
pp. 810 – 822


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Introduction: The COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is presented in an asymptomatic way in up to 80 % of the cases at world level. Objective: To characterize the patients with asymptomatic clinical course of the COVID-19. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in Santiago de Cuba province, with retrospective gathering of the information, from March to May, 2020, belonging to 13 patients with diagnosis of the disease and no symptomatic manifestation of it. Results: Of the patients with positive results for coronavirus in the province, 26,0 % were asymptomatic; there was a predominance of the 20-39 years-old (38,4 %), and the 60 and more years (30,7 %) in these age groups, as well as of the female sex (84,6 %). Equally, 30,7 % suffered from non-communicable chronic diseases and 38,5 % turned out to be infection source to other people. Conclusions: The frequency of asymptomatic patients in Santiago de Cuba was different from that notified in the rest of the country and in other nations, which could not be conditioned by the emergence of episodes or buds and the registered low incidence; nevertheless, in the analysis of the variables, there were no discrepancies with the reports on patients with this clinical form of disease.
