Статистика и экономика (Dec 2016)

Birth tourism: socio-demographic and statistical aspects

  • Anatoly V. Korotkov,
  • Mikhail V. Karmanov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 6
pp. 3 – 8


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The purpose of the study is to research birth tourism issue. The article gives the socio-demographic and statistical aspects of research problems of birth inbound tourism in the Russian Federation. Following the literature analysis, the degree of study for birth tourism lags behind its actual size. Currently, the media has accumulated a significant amount of information on birth tourism in Russia, that requires processing, systematization and understanding that can and should become an independent area of study of sociologists and demographers to develop recommendations for the management of socio-demographic processes in birth tourism in our country. It is necessary to identify the problems that will inevitably arise. At present, this process is almost not regulated.These problems are complex, it requires the joint efforts of sociologists and demographers. However, it is impossible to obtain reliable results and to develop management decisions without attention to the statistical aspect of this problem. It is necessary to create methodological support for collecting and information processing and model development of the birth tourism. At the initial stage it is necessary to identify the direction and objectives of the analysis to determine the factors in the development of this process, to develop a hierarchical system of statistical indicators, to receive the information, needed for calculating of specific indicators.The complex research of the birth tourism issues should be based on the methodology of sociology, demography and statistics, including statistical observation, interviews with residents, structure analysis and birth tourism concentration in the country, the analysis of the dynamics, classification of factors and reasons, the grouping of regions for the development of the studied processes and, of course, the development of economic-statistical indicators.The article reveals the problem of the significant influence of the uncontrolled spread of birth tourism on the socio-economic sphere of many countries, where there is a directed flow of women from abroad. The task is to explore the status and development of birth tourism to make sciencebased decisions for managing of this process. Birth tourism concept is defined. Birth tourism motives and social tension reasons are indicated in the countries for the temporary stay of women. Key indicators and system of indicators for the economic and statistical analysis of the birth inbound tourism are proposed.The article shows: analysis of birth tourism prevalence in the world and in Russia, the motives and birth tourism issues, the characteristic of the birth tourism as an object of study, the content of the indicators’system and its key indicators.
