IEEE Access (Jan 2020)
Soft-Decoding for Multi-Set Space-Time Shift-Keying mmWave Systems: A Deep Learning Approach
In this paper, we propose a deep learning assisted soft-demodulator for multi-set space-time shift keying (MS-STSK) millimeter wave (mmWave) systems, where we train a neural network (NN) to provide the soft values of the MS-STSK symbol without relying on explicit channel state information (CSI). Thus, in contrast to the conventional MS-STSK soft-demodulator which relies on the knowledge of CSI at the receiver, the learning-assisted design circumvents the channel estimation while also improving the data rate by dispensing with pilot overhead. Furthermore, our proposed learning-aided soft-demodulation substantially reduces the number of cost-function evaluations at the output of the MS-STSK demodulator. We demonstrate by simulations that despite avoiding CSI-estimation and the pilot overhead, our learningassisted design performs closely to the channel-estimation aided design assuming perfect CSI for BER <; 10-4, whilst imposing a low complexity. Furthermore, we show by simulations that upon using realistic imperfect CSI at the receiver employing conventional soft-demodulation, the learning-aided softdemodulator outperforms the conventional scheme. Additionally, we present quantitative discussions on the receiver complexity in terms of the number of computations required to produce the soft values.