پیاورد سلامت (May 2016)

Designation and Preparation of Quality of Work Life Questionnaire for Medical Residents Suitable Model to Measure Residents’ Quality of Work Life

  • Seyedeh Mahboubeh Hosseini Zare,
  • Batoul Ahmadi,
  • Ali Akbari Sari,
  • Mohammad Arab,
  • Mahshid Sadat Hosseini Zare

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 2
pp. 145 – 154


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Background and Aim: Evaluating and improving the employees’ quality of work life is one of the most important responsibilities of managers in each organization. The aim of this study was to design and prepare a questionnaire for evaluating the residents’ quality of work life and checking the validity and reliability of this tool. Materials and Methods: We collected the questionnaires which were used for the employees’ quality of work life, and designed by Delphi method a comprehensive questionnaire for measuring residents’ quality of work life. This questionnaire was distributed two times with one-week interval between 14 residents of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and then the validity and reliability was assessed by α cronbach model. We used the 5 experts in the field of health care management, medical education and health economics to determine the validity of quality of working life questionnaire. The classification of cronbachchr('39')s α for intra-rater reliability was: very good (0.9-1), good (0.8- 0.89), average (0.7- 0.79), bad (0.6-0.69) and very bad (under 0.59). Results: The results of αcronbach test for questions reliability and the result α cronbach test for internal consistency of each class of question indicated the rather high reliability and validity of these questions. Conclusion: Regarding to the results of α cronbach test, we can deduce that our designed questionnaire encompass have satisfied validity and reliability and it can be used for future studies.
