Biotemas (May 2005)
Non-volant mammals in areas predominantly of the Atlantic forest belonging to Samarco Mineração S.A., municipality of Anchieta, Espírito Santo
Although the Atlantic forest has a very diverse fauna with several endemic species, in Espírito Santo state its mastofauna is still poorly known. This paper presents a preliminary inventory of non-volant mammals of remnants of the Atlantic forest on properties of Samarco Mineração S.A., in southern Espírito Santo, Brazil. The mammals were captured in different areas (secondary vegetation, exotic and flooded) using traps placed on the ground and fixed on branches and tree platforms, or they were confirmed through direct and indirect evidence recorded during diurnal and nocturnal censuses. In total, 20 mammal species, excluding bats, were recorded for the study region, and Didelphimorphia was the order with the highest richness of species. Although the number of mammal species is high, many large species might be locally extinct, especially those with the largest spatial requirements. However, the conservation of areas with native vegetation may be facilitating the reestablishment of fauna in the areas owned by the company.