Cirugía y Cirujanos (Jan 2021)

Abdomen congelado complicado con osificación peritoneal heterotópica de la línea media: reporte de un caso

  • Ana P. Meléndez-Fernández,
  • Ricardo Villa-Sierra,
  • Ana G. Góngora-Acosta,
  • Eugenio J. Abreu-Rejón,
  • Elías Hernández-Cruz,
  • Fernando E. De la Torre y Rendón,
  • Alejandro U. Tapia-Yáñez,
  • Raúl E. Albarrán-Castillo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 89, no. 1


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Background: Heterotopic ossification consists in abnormal differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteoblastic cells, which may occur in the abdominal cavity. Case report: A 54-year-old male who presents with small bowel obstruction, performing a laparotomy, adhesiolysis, and managed with an open abdomen with Bogota bag; the abdominal wall was closed on the 5th post-operative day. Due to recurrent symptoms of intestinal obstruction, he required a re-laparotomy after 14 days, finding a frozen abdomen with midline calcified peritoneum. Conclusion: This entity is a rare benign form of ossification, associated with an inflammatory environment due to trauma after multiple abdominal interventions.
