Educação: Teoria e Prática (Jun 2009)

Renewable forms of Privatization of Education in Brazil: voluntary work and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

  • Silvana Aparecida de Souza

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 32


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This text brings conceptual search performed, which had to voluntary work in education, when connected to the actions called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It can be said that such actions fall as renewable forms of privatization of education, through the precariousness of their supply and maintenance by the public, and that is the stimulus that each volunteer contributes to the maintenance of activity (education), legitimacy is ever more the idea that the government can not cope alone with all the responsibility. It follows therefore that this new form of privatization is done so indirectly, since the authorities did not formally abandon the responsibility for the financing and maintenance of the public education system, but there is a partial sharing of responsibilities with the citizens in condition of volunteers, as most of actions and donations made by virtue of the shares of CSR does not involve investments by the companies, but are a result of the call or direct donation of staff / volunteers.
