Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology (Jan 2012)

Ramsay hunt syndrome (herpes zoster oticus)

  • S Karthiga Kannan,
  • J Eugenia Sherubin,
  • S Sajesh,
  • K P Gopakumar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 1
pp. 70 – 72


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Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS) is defined as an acute peripheral facial neuropathy caused by the reactivated latent varicella zoster virus (VZV) in the geniculate ganglion; characterized with erythematous vesicular rash of the skin of the ear canal, auricle, facial skin, oral mucosa and facial palsy (also known as herpes zoster oticus). This article reports a case of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (RHS) in a 37-year-old male patient depicting the classical signs.
