Эндодонтия Today (May 2021)
The relevance applying in the adhesive protocol in devital teeth
Aim. To determine the relevance of the application of the chlorhexidine adhesive Protocol in devital teeth.Materials and methods. A systematic review of the literature in the electronic databases Google Scholar and Pubmed was conducted. Articles related to research on the activity of matrix metalloproteinases in vital and devital teeth, as well as research on the effectiveness of the chlorhexidine Protocol, are considered and included.Results. 60 articles were reviewed during the review. After making the selection based on the exclusion criteria, the number of included studies was 36.Conclusions. According to the studied publications, it was found that MMP 2 and MMP 9 are contained not only in vital, but also in devital teeth. The use of a chlorhexidine adhesive Protocol is relevant in both clinical cases but depending on the type of MMP and the state of the pulp, the concentration of chlorhexidine is selected.