IEEE Access (Jan 2024)
The Significance of Time Constraints in Unit Commitment Problems
Electricity market clearing models are crucial for operational and investment planning in modern power systems. Two commonly used models for market clearing are the merit-order and unit commitment models. While the merit-order employs a snapshot approach and lacks precision in representing time-based variations in demand and generation, the unit commitment model incorporates crucial temporal constraints. This paper highlights the significance of temporal constraints in market clearing models, emphasizing the potential for significant errors in generation commitment if these constraints are not carefully considered. Using real data from the Irish electricity system, the impact of temporal constraints on intra-day market clearing is demonstrated, comparing with the merit-order rule with the unit commitment solution. The findings reveal 6% underestimation in market clearing prices when compared to unit commitment solutions. The minimum stable operating constraints of thermal units were identified as having the most substantial impact on the unit commitment solution. This study underscores the risk of significant errors in generation planning if temporal constraints are not adequately factored in, advocating for a more accurate approach for market clearing models.