Journal of Education, Health and Sport (Oct 2017)
The impact of comprehensive physical therapy performed on an outpatient basis on the quality of life of patients with low back pain
INTRODUCTION. Pain in the lower spine is an issue that should be considered on many levels - not only from the medical but also social and professional. Disease They limit the physical and consequently contribute to the deterioration of the quality of life. AIM OF THE TESTS. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the quality of life of patients with pain syndrome lumbar-sacral spine outpatient rehabilitation treatments before and after. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study involved 70 patients (34 women and 36 men) who were subjected for 10 days a series of outpatient physiotherapy. The average age of the study group was 58.26 years and a mean BMI was equal to 27.78 kg / m2. Studies performed by a survey tool, based on an original questionnaire containing socio-demographic data. In order to determine the intensity of pain was used analog - visual scale VAS pain, and to evaluate the quality of life questionnaire ODI (Oswestry Disability Index). The statistical analysis was made using Statistica. RESULTS. Examined the quality of life before treatment was 21.13 on a scale ODI, and after a series of treatments - 14.73. The average value expressed in pain VAS before treatment was 6.73 and 4.27 after surgery. In both cases there was a statistically significant difference before and after the level of p <0.01. Also showed a weak positive correlation between the quality of life expressed on a scale ODI and the level of pain p <0.01, r = 0.362). CONCLUSIONS. Comprehensive physical therapy performed on an outpatient basis in a statistically significant impact on the quality of life of patients.