Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice (Mar 2022)

Epuizarea răbdării strategice a Occidentului. Talibanii din Afganistan: de la o insurgenţă de manual la o guvernare deficitară

  • Șerban Filip CIOCULESCU

Journal volume & issue
Vol. X, no. 35
pp. 45 – 57


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The West has lost the battle for a modern and democratic Afghanistan not on the battlefield but at the psychological, social and economic levels. The massive withdrawal of Americans and other Western troops from Afghanistan has decisively facilitated the Taliban's recapture of the country, and we know now that it was the Americans who first decided the abandonment of this weak or failing state. In the Western democratic societies of countries involved in the long nation-building process, the population found it increasingly difficult to tolerate the loss of human lives and the spending of large sums of money to modernize a state and a society that for the most part refused to abandon its tribal, conservative, and archaic character. The western states abandoned Afghanistan when It became clear that there was no clear solution, no mega-plan that would have generated a successful outcome, mainly due to the societal resistance shown by the predominant rural Afghan population and the inability of successive governments in Kabul to effectively govern, relying on inclusive institutions, on solid and effective force structures. The new government, created by Tallbans, must rule a country which lacks the necessary economic resources and administrative skills, while also facing the insurgency of another islamist group, a more radical one, the Islamic State of Khorasan Province.
