Loss of life estimation and risk level classification due to a dam break
Alarcon Matos de Oliveira,
José Bueno Conti,
Rosangela Leal Santos,
Lusanira Nogueira Aragão de Oliveira,
Carlos Alberto Oliveira Brito,
Flavio Pietrobom Costa,
Erivelton Nonato de Santana
Alarcon Matos de Oliveira
State University of Bahia, Department of Exact and Earth Sciences (DCET II), Graduate Program in Environmental Systems Modelling, PPGMSB, Rod. Alagoinhas-Salvador, BR 110, km 3, Alagoinhas – BA CEP: 48040-210, Brazil; Corresponding author.
José Bueno Conti
University of São Paulo Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences University of São Paulo FFLCH, Graduate Program in Physical Geography - PPGF, Rua do Lago, 717 - Board and Administration/Cidade Universitária, São Paulo – SP CEP 05508-080, Brazil
Rosangela Leal Santos
State University of Feira de Santana, Department of Technology DETEC, Graduate Program in Modeling in Earth and Environmental Sciences (PPGM), Transnordestina Avenue, s/n - Novo Horizonte, Feira de Santana – Bahia CEP 44036-900, Brazil
Lusanira Nogueira Aragão de Oliveira
State University of Feira de Santana, Department of Technology DETEC, Graduate Program in Modeling in Earth and Environmental Sciences (PPGM), Transnordestina Avenue, s/n - Novo Horizonte, Feira de Santana – Bahia CEP 44036-900, Brazil
Carlos Alberto Oliveira Brito
State University of Feira de Santana. Department of Applied Social Sciences DCIS, Transnordestina Avenue, s/n - Novo Horizonte CEP 44036-900 Feira de Santana – Bahia, Brazil
Flavio Pietrobom Costa
State University of Bahia, Department of Exact and Earth Sciences (DCET II), Graduate Program in Environmental Systems Modelling, PPGMSB, Rod. Alagoinhas-Salvador, BR 110, km 3, Alagoinhas – BA CEP: 48040-210, Brazil
Erivelton Nonato de Santana
State University of Bahia, Department of Exact and Earth Sciences (DCET II), Graduate Program in Environmental Systems Modelling, PPGMSB, Rod. Alagoinhas-Salvador, BR 110, km 3, Alagoinhas – BA CEP: 48040-210, Brazil
This report estimated the loss of life and the variation of risk level to people and properties from the city of São José do Jacuípe, at Bahia State, in Brazil, through a simulation of the dam break near the city. The simulations employ the HEC-RAS program with the HEC-GeoRAS plugin, both made available by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The program is a hydrological model for the hydric flow propagation arising from the complete resolution of the Saint-Venant equation, while the plugin was used for vector editing by creating a geomorphological model from the river basin. The results from the research demonstrated that the city is exposed to a risk that is time dependent. In addition, the lack of a warning system about a possible break could cause the death of almost all residents. Otherwise, with a warning system operating, the estimation of destruction would be dramatically reduced.