Anglo Saxonica (Feb 2020)

As Paisagens Sonora, Olfactiva e Culinária em 'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland' (1865), de Lewis Carroll

  • Rogério Miguel Puga

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1


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This article analyses the representation of soundscape in Lewis Carroll’s 'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland', as well as the feast of the senses of the peripatetic main character, mainly when she interacts with the other characters and after she awakes back in her ‘real’ world. I also study other sensations and perceptions represented in the narrative through the analysis of the foodscapes, tastescapes and smellscapes, which supplement the description of Wonderland’s landscape. Abstrato O presente artigo analisa a representação da paisagem acústica em 'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland', de Lewis Carroll, bem como o festim dos sentidos da peripatética personagem, sobretudo em interacção com as demais personagens e após acordar. Atentamos ainda noutras sensações e percepções da protagonista através do estudo das paisagens culinária, gustativa e olfactiva, que complementam a paisagem visual. Palavras-chave: Paisagem sonora; 'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland'; Lewis Carroll; paisagem culinária; paisagem olfactiva Publisher's Note: This article was originally published with the wrong citation information.
