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A entrevista como enquadramento de histórias: as faces de João Havelange

  • Lívia Gonçalves Magalhães,
  • Sérgio Settani Giglio

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23


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João Havelange was a prominent sports leader, having held the FIFA presidency for 24 years. Throughout his career, he was constantly invited to tell his story and tried to promote his personal version. In 2007, journalist Ernesto Rodrigues published Jogo Duro: a História de João Havelange. Written as an official biography, disagreements over its content led to conflicts between the biographer and the biographee and, in 2013, Rodrigues released the documentary Conversas com JH, in which he presented his experience of writing the book. In this article, we problematize elements present in journalistic interviews and those that use the Oral History method, using as a reference for analysis two other interviews of Havelange conducted by researchers: the first by Lívia Gonçalves Magalhães (2010), and the second by Katia Rubio and Sérgio Settani Giglio (2012). We are therefore intrigued by, how even in different methodologies, Havelange's constructed narrative prevails.
