HighTech and Innovation Journal (Mar 2024)
Using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network to Assess the Critical Factors of Traffic Accidents
This study is based on the traffic accident data of Taoyuan City from the government's open data. The study compiled the data set of traffic accidents in Taiwan from 2012 to 2017, and six classifiers were applied to evaluate the effectiveness of traffic accident prediction with the number of injuries as the prediction target. In order to verify the classifier's stability, cross-validation was used to evaluate the model during the training process, and the multilayer perceptron neural network (MLPNN) classifier performed best in testing the dataset's accuracy and evaluating the model's best performance. Then, a boosting ensemble learning approach and a combination of traffic accident factors improve the experiment's performance. According to this experiment, the results show that this study uses the Pearson Chi-square feature selection method to select important traffic factor combinations, and the boosting method indeed helps improve the effectiveness of the construction of the traffic accident model. Finally, the experimental results of the NN-MLP model have a correct rate of 77% and AUC is 78.7%. In constructing the model, it was found that the degree of injury, the part of the vehicle hit, the type of accident, the leading cause, the type of vehicle, and the period of the accident were the main factors causing dangerous traffic accidents. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-01-012 Full Text: PDF