Listy klinicke logopedie (Dec 2023)

Selective Mutism - Case Reports: Multimodal therapeutic approach supplemented BY Work at the Clay Field®

  • Barbora Richtrová

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 13 – 18


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Selective Mutism is classified as a less common anxiety disorder. This type of disorder is highly disruptive and limits the quality of life. Early detection and appropriately selected therapy are therefore essential. Therapy should be based on two basic human needs: RELATIONSHIP and SAFETY. Currently, therapy involving multiple modalities is dominantly used. The effectiveness of behavioural therapy and the use of "unfocused" communication is scientifically confirmed (Oerbeck et al., 2014; Driessen et al., 2020). In our case, we have extended the multimodal approach to include the Work at the Clay Field® sensorimotor art therapy method. It is a complex method, focused on the body and basal senses. It is a so-called "bottom-up" therapy. When using it, we observe a significant reduction in the symptomatology of Selective Mutism in the short term in preschool children at our workplace. Thus, Work at the Clay Field could be another recognised therapeutic approach for children with Selective Mutism.