Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo Unìversitetu: Serìâ Psihologìâ (Mar 2013)
The research was aimed at summing up the speci?c impact of the activities of the law en forcement professionals on their personality traits. 60 students of the Home Affairs University aging up to 25 years were involved as research participants whose individual traits were assessed using the appropriate psychodiagnostic inventories. Personality data were statistically processed and their validity as the indicants of the professional activities impact on the traits was revealed. The research ?ndings allowed to form a pro?le of the dominant personality characteristics, speci?c to the law enforcement professional, which include: externality, ?xedness, excitability, pedantry, extrapunitiveness re?ecting emotional instability, intolerance of the stressfull situations and a relatively low level of self-suf?ciency. Thus, the de?ned traits can be characterized as threat for the normal personality functioning and successful ful?llment of the professional duties. The de?ned individual characteristics of the law enforcement professionals suggest the necessity of improving personnel selection and the psychological screening of their functioning; taking into account personality factors in the promotion to higher positions and in the course of career training; upbringing of the young professionals with reference to their individual characteristics. It is planned to use the data obtained for the development of the special psychocorrectional programs.