Хирургия позвоночника (Dec 2016)

Experimental model of traumatic spinal cord injury and neuroprotective effect of ketamine in acute phase of injury

  • Sergey G. Volkov,
  • Evgeny I. Vereshchagin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 4
pp. 90 – 93


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Objective. To present experimental model of traumatic spinal cord injury and to assess the efficacy of ketamine for neuro- protection in multimodal treatment for spinal cord injury in acute phase. Material and Methods. The study was performed in 60 rabbits with modeled acute spinal cord injury. The standard open spinal cord injury was inflicted in the lower thoracic spine with graduated impact strength and area using impact device. Further, the multimodal therapy was conducted. Motor function, reflexes, pelvic organ function, and skin sensitivity were assessed. Experimental animals were divided into several groups depending on ketamine therapy start time. Results. The presented model of spinal cord injury is reproducible, graduated, same-type and similar to clinical injury. The model enables mastering the treatment for spinal cord injury sequelae. The method is easy to study and use, and does not require complex equipment. The study showed significantly better recovery of the motor function after early beginning of ketamine therapy. Conclusion. Ketamine is an effective neuroprotectant in spinal injury, and its administration in the acute phase of traumatic spinal cord injury improves the results of treatment and prognosis.
