Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología (Jan 2007)
Objetivo: Comparar la esterilización quirúrgica vía transumbilical en puérperas recientes con anestesia local versus anestesia regional. Método: Durante el período de estudio comprendido entre septiembre de 2003 a septiembre de 2004, se realizaron en el hospital Carlos Van Burén, 196 ligaduras posteriores a un parto vaginal. El grupo 1 (anestesia local) quedó constituido por 136 mujeres y el grupo 2 (anestesia regional) por 60 mujeres. Resultados: No hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos analizados de las características obstétricas y antropométricas, tiempo operatorio, percepción del dolor y complicaciones postoperatorias. Hubo una reducción significativa en el período de latencia entre el parto y la salpingo-ligadura, de 30 horas en el grupo de anestesia local versus 62 horas en el de anestesia raquídea (pObjectives: To compare the tubal sterilization trough subumbilical incision performed with local anesthesia versus spinal anesthesia in the postpartum period. Methods: We perform 196 tubal sterilization procedures after a vaginal delivery. The study group 1 (local anesthesia) included 136 women and the study group 2 (spinal anesthesia) 60 women. Results: The study showed no statistical significant difference between the two groups, in the obstetrics and anthropometries characteristics, neither in the average surgical time, the pain score (measured with the analogue visual scale), or postoperative short term complications. The only statistically significant difference was found in the period of time between the vaginal delivery and the sterilization procedure (30 hours in group 1 and 62 hours in group 2, p<0.0001), and in the hospitalization number of days (2.2 days in group 1 and 3.9 days in group 2, p<0.0001). Conclusions: The transumbilical tubal sterilization under local anesthesia in postpartum period lowers the hospital stay and the time between childbirth and the surgical procedure an allowing the mothers an early return to their home, with less cost for the health system